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Panel 3: Dennis Carson, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center

CIRM Disease Team Reports

November 30, 2011
15 minutes
Dennis Carson


Dr. Carson earned his medical degree from Columbia University and received postgraduate training at The Salk Institute, NIH and UC San Diego. He has founded six biotechnology companies in the fields of cancer and immunology (Vical, Triangle Pharmaceuticals, Dynavax, Salmedix, Telormedix and Wintherix). He is a member the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Carson developed from bench to bedside 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine, which is the treatment of choice for hairy cell leukemia. As cancer center director, his priority was to speed the translation of basic science discoveries into new treatments for cancer patients. As of July 2011, Dr. Carson has returned full time to the laboratory, focusing on cancer progenitor cells.