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How Spoken and Signed Language Structure Space Differently

Keynote, Leonard Talmy

July 23, 2011
1 hours 05 minutes
Leonard Talmy, Christoph Hoelscher


Introduced by Christoph Hoelscher.

Leonard Talmy is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, where he taught for 15 years and was Director of the Center for Cognitive Science for 14 years. He is now also a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, where he had received his Ph.D. in Linguistics. His broader research interests cover cognitive linguistics, the properties of conceptual organization, and cognitive theory. His more specific interests within linguistics center on natural-language semantics, including: typologies and universals of semantic structure; the relationship between semantic structure and formal linguistic structures -- lexical, morphological, and syntactic; and the relation of this material to diachrony, discourse, development, impairment, and culture. Additional specializations are in American Indian and Yiddish linguistics.